Little shop of horrors

In November, WEA Hunter’s Creative Arts Space Committee took on the cult classic ‘Little Shop of Horrors.’
The team behind the Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast – Alan Menken and Howard Ashman created this black comedy which asks the question, ‘How far are you willing to go to fulfil your dreams?’
It follows the story of Seymour – a down-trodden flower shop assistant who during a total eclipse, discovers an unusual plant he names Audrey II after his co-worker he secretly fancies. Soon, Seymour discovers the plant thrives while feeding off his blood and as a result, brings the flower shop much attention and success.
Open to all ages, the dedicated cast ranged from 16 to over 40 years of age.
“Cast members rehearsed for four months, giving up their free time to be part of the show,’Director Peter Willis said.
Cast aside, there was a huge amount of volunteers working on the music, choreography, set, props, costumes, lighting and sound.
A production like Little Shop of Horrors cannot work without a dedicated team working together.
WEA Hunter Musical Theatre Diploma alumnus – Zac Smith played the role of Seymour.
“It’s such a demanding role he was on stage for the majority of the action and it’s fantastic to see former students continuing to work on their craft and reaching new heights,” Peter said.“
There are a lot of creative people who work at WEA Hunter, so the CAS is a terrific opportunity for us to have that creative outlet and to work with the local community on something we are mutually passionate about – presenting quality productions and involving people of all walks of life.We are also incredibly grateful to the Newcastle Theatre Community which has been so supportive and encouraging.